Support the CFB

Online Donation

Please support our cause by donating through PayPal. Visit the donation button on the right-hand side of the and websites. You can also send a cheque through regular mail.

Monthly Donations

Support the CFB by giving regularly once a month.

If you are a TD Bank customer, make it easy by setting up the contribution as an automatic withdrawal from your account to the CFB account. Please contact us and we will provide you with our account information.

If you are not a TD Bank user, you can select an email money transfer from your action list and send the email to where it will be deposited into our TD account. The Fee for this transfer is $1.50.

Thrifty Foods Smile Card Program and Country Grocer

If you live in Victoria and shop at Thrifty Foods, we can send you a Smile Card to use when you are shopping. You can also shop at Country Grocer and mail us your receipts. The CFB receives 5% of all purchases at Thrifty Foods and Country Grocer.


Enjoy shopping online? Shop at a huge selection of your favourite online stores, like expedia, EBay and Amazon, through, and support the CFB. To learn more about iGive, visit our custom link

Thank you!