Find Your Freedom: Discover the Long White Cane Workshop

This workshop will be conducted by Denise Mackenstadt, NOMC

Orientation and Mobility Specialist, National Orientation and Mobility Certified instructor, Washington State.

When: Saturday, May 7, 2011. 10 AM to 4 PM.
Where: Victoria, BC, venue to be confirmed.

Denise Mackenstadt will discuss the Structured Discovery method of travel training for blind people, which differs from the conventional, route based method of travel teaching.

The workshop will include information about the Structured Discovery technique, discussion, questions and answers and practice of this method.

We welcome blind youth and adults of all ages to join us. We also encourage parents of blind children to come and learn.

Long white canes will be available at the event.

Please RSVP.

Structured Discovery teaches blind people routes Using Critical Thinking and Problem Solving and helps the student build transferable skills. This approach gives the student the skills to become a confident and independent traveler.