Posts Tagged ‘bc human rights tribunal’

Blind denied access

(A letter to The Vancouver Sun by Doris Belusic,) Re: Taxis can snub service animals, Oct. 20 Jacqueline Beltgens of B.C. Human Rights Tribunal says Graeme McCreath was only “inconvenienced,” when a Victoria Taxi driver denied him service and called a second cab to pick him up. Was Rosa Parks only “inconvenienced” by being shunted […]

Blind taxi user was doubly victimized

(A letter to the editor of The Victoria Times Colonist by Frederick Driver.) Re: “Tribunal dismisses blind man’s complaint against taxi,” Oct. 27. B.C. Human Rights Tribunal member Jacqueline Beltgens has erred in ruling against guide-dog user Graeme McCreath. McCreath was not seeking a special “accommodation,” but rather the protection of his lawful rights.

News Coverage of Graeme McCreath’s Human Rights Win

CFB member Graeme McCreath won his case late last month against the organizers of the Times-Colonist 10-kilometre run in Victoria. The BC Human Rights Tribunal ruled that organizers discriminated against Graeme by not making special arrangements for his safety. Several news organizations covered the ruling, including the Vancouver Province, the Saanich News and the CBC.